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mPulse Hand Sanitizer
Long Lasting Ultra-moisturizing hand sanitizer

mPulse long-lasting antimicrobial hand sanitizer redefines the hand sanitizer market with advanced technology that extends protection up to an unprecedented 8 hours, while moisturizing your hands at the same time. The active ingredient is proven to kill 99.99% of MRSA, Staph, VRE, E. coli and many other bacteria and viruses on contact. mPulse hand sanitizer offers an invisible layer of protection onto your hands and remains active for up to 8 hours and multiple hand washings. This advanced level of protection comes with the added benefit of an alcohol-free formulation that will not dry-out, crack or strip away your skin’s natural oils, leaving your hands silky smooth day after day.
Unlike traditional alcohol-based hand sanitizers, Medi-Defense mPulse Hand Sanitizer extends an invisible layer of protection onto your hands protecting them for up to 8 hours and multiple hand washings. This advanced level of protection comes with the added benefit of an alcohol-free formulation that will not dry-out, crack or strip away your skin’s natural oils, leaving your hands silky smooth day after day, with the ultra-moisturizing ingredients.
Protective barrier reduces risk of odor-causing bacteria, mold, and fungi on untreated surfaces.
Environmentally friendly, non-toxic/non-leaching, hypoallergenic antimicrobial technology.
Forms shield on treated surfaces, providing freshness and protection between cleanings.
Available in various bottle and bucket sizes for convenient spray-and-wipe applications, and totes for electrostatic spray applications.
Active ingredient is proven to kill MRSA, Staph, VRE,
CRE, E-coli and many other bacteria and viruses. -
Eliminates 99.99% of germs on contact.
Alcohol-free, Non-flammable, Non-toxic, Triclosan-free formula.
Moisturizing formula will not crack your hands or strip away your skin’s natural oils.
Proprietary formula increases germ killing effectiveness over time and repeated use.
Approved for food handling without the need to rinse.
Germ killing efficacy has been proven greater than alcohol.
Exceeds FDA, CDC, USDA and NSF standards for hand sanitizers.
Safe for use in schools, day care, nursing homes, hospitals, food service, health clubs, transportation/travel and in homes.