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Our dispensers can be mounted on the wall or used with a floor stand, which allows for placement anywhere that mPulse hand sanitizer is needed. The battery powered foaming automatic dispenser is designed to work flawlessly, delivering a precise amount of our mPulse Hand Sanitizer, which offers up to 4 Hours of moisturizing, long-lasting hand protection. These are ideal for use in Hospitals, Marine & Cruise Industry, Medical Offices, Banks, Offices, Schools, Transportation, Food Service, Hospitality, Warehouses and much more. Our dispensers include a removable drip tray below the dispenser nozzle, ensuring the area around the floor stand remains clean and safe. It is ADA Compliant, and is a touchless one-handed operation making it accessible to everyone. It’s made from high quality heat and impact resistant ABS plastic. They are designed for high-velocity, high traffic areas, where frequent cycling is required.
Large capacity heavy duty easy liquid filled 1200ml (33.82 Oz.) reservoir for less frequent refills
Easy access removable reservoir designed to make it easy and fast to refill
Designed for high traffic areas, building entrances, where portability is required
Touchless, Automatic operation for improved hand hygiene
Included drip tray designed to help keep floors clean and reduce maintenance
Surface Finish Provides Durable Protection at The Perfect Height for Visitors Item # AHS1200WM-WH-S-KT1
Front window for easy monitoring of soap levels
Top dispensing technology reduces risk of leaking valves
Features Lock to Help Prevent Theft and Vandalism


Benefits of using hand sanitizer:
Convenient, portable, easy to use and not time consuming.
Acts quickly to kill 99.99% microorganisms on hands.
By placing hand sanitizer in strategic locations and other high traffic areas, you can encourage people to improve their hand hygiene and make that environment a healthier one and reduce the potential of falling ill, as a result of cross-contamination! It is important to place hand sanitizer in easily accessible places, for example near high-touch surfaces and communal areas, including:
Entrances and exits – A single doorknob could potentially be the cause of a widespread illness in any environment. In addition to frequently disinfecting doorknobs, light switches and other high-touch surfaces, also it is important to provide a hand sanitizing station nearby to limit the spread of infection.
Meeting rooms – Meeting rooms are often filled with employees, clients and other visitors who exchange handshakes, thus swapping germs. By providing guests and employees with easy- access hand sanitizing stations placed in strategic locations, it enables everyone to help protect against the effects of cross contamination.
High traffic areas – For example airport terminals, malls, hallways and recreational centers should offer portable hand hygiene stations equipped with non-contact foaming dispenser ensuring visitors stay as healthy as possible. Not only does this keep those high-traffic areas clean, it helps improve the image.
Utilizing mPulse hand sanitizers fights viruses and bacteria efficiently and effectively. Without a doubt, using this germ-fighting product throughout the day will boost the environment you live, work and play!