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Due to fluctuations in industry pricing and transportation costs, please contact us directly via phone, email or our contact form for the lowest prices on quality, professional .

All services provided by Diamond Edge may be used for lawful purposes only. Transmission or storage of any information, data or material in violation of any United States Federal, State or City law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, material legally judged to be threatening or obscene, or material protected by trade secret and other statue. Downloading material displayed on the Site is only allowed for non-commercial, personal use and provided you also retain all copyright and other propriety notices contained in the materials. It is strictly forbidden to distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, report, or use the contents of the Site for public or commercial purposes, including the text, images, audio, and video without the prior written approval of Diamond Edge.
Special Internet Pricing:
While we accept phone orders, we offer the best pricing through our special internet pricing. For the best product price, please make your purchase online through our website.
All products purchased through this web site are purchased on a plus freight charge, which means that the purchaser is responsible for all shipping and handling costs. We ship all small orders by Federal Express Ground or UPS. All equipment is shipped via common carrier and we try to use the carriers that we get the maximum discount from to save you money. All common carriers deliver your merchandise to you tail gate delivery which means you are responsible for unloading the truck and bringing the merchandise into your establishment. An inside delivery is possible in certain areas of the country at an additional cost. If you require an inside delivery please let us know and we will get you a freight and delivery cost. All common carrier charges are freight collect.
Once the order leaves us or the manufacturer it becomes your property. Be sure to inspect your shipment for damages and or shortages. If there is any problem with your shipment please make a note of it on the bill of lading and request an inspection by the carrier. We are here to assist you if you need us. If you find concealed damage please save all cartons, crates and packing material for inspection.
All merchandise must get a return authorization number before it can be returned. All merchandise returned will receive store credit only. Customer is responsible for all shipping charges to and from our warehouse. All merchandise will be subject to a restocking charge, special order items with any manufacture, may not be returned. All merchandise must be returned with and in original carton with all factory packing material and paper work. All returns must be made within 21 days of receipt to receive credit. No used merchandise will be accepted for return unless defective, and then to be returned to manufacturer for repair or replacement. There will be a 25% charge for any order cancelled after 14 days, plus any service charges related to that order, example consulting services, spec sheet preparation, etc. If merchandise has been produced for the cancelled order, no refund will be issued. If merchandise has been shipped customer will be responsible for shipping charges to and from factory, or warehouse as well as an additional restocking charge.
All warranties said and applied to products are those of the manufacturer. We are only the seller of said equipment and all warranty issues must be addressed with the manufacturer. We are here to help and assist in trying to resolve any and all issues.
Diamond Edge is not responsible for the proper or improper use of any products supplied by Diamond Edge. Manufacturer defects in materials or workmanship are the sole responsibility of the manufacturer and Diamond Edge accepts no liability for labor costs, delays, or any fees or expense incurred by the use, installation or functionality of any product provided by Diamond Edge.
Diamond Edge shall not be liable for any delay in or impairment of performance resulting in whole or in part from any force majeure event, including but not limited to acts of God, labor disruptions, shortages, inability to procure product, supplies of raw materials, severe weather conditions, or any other circumstances or cause beyond the control of Diamond Edge.
Diamond Edge uses all reasonable efforts to provide accurate and up-to-date information on the Site. However, Diamond Edge makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy of the Site and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any errors or omissions in the content on the Site.